27.03.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 3

Bakoeva Nilufar Matyokub kizi, Khaydarova Feruza Alimovna

Abstract. Today, premature ovarian failure (POF) is one of the most difficult problems of women's health. Relevance. As the main cause of infertility, a decrease in the quality of life of women with POI is a problem that needs special attention. After a confirmed diagnosis, there are currently no methods to restore ovarian function and fertility. The spread of the COVID-19 virus and pandemic-related quarantine measures have led to women's mental health and menstrual irregularities, up to and including amenorrhea. Therefore, it is important to identify risk factors for the development of POI at an earlier stage. Purpose. To evaluate the plasma concentration of KISS1 and BDNF in patients with POI that developed after coronavirus infection. Conclusion. We can say that kisspeptin and BDNF play an important role not only in women's reproductive health, but also in their mental state. Stress due to the coronavirus pandemic, reducing the level of KISS1 and BDNF in the blood can lead to the development of premature ovarian failure. This observation brings important potential insight into the pathogenesis of POI.

Keywords: premature ovarian insufficiency, COVID-19, stress, anxiety, depression, KISS1, BDNF.