23.03.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 3

Khurramov Humoyun Evodullo ugli, Islomova Ziyodabonu Ikrom qizi

Abstract. A heart defect is an anomaly in the structure of this organ, which affects its work to one degree or another. this is a persistent pathological change in the structure of the heart that violates its function. Heart defects (vitia cordis) are congenital or acquired anomalies and deformities of the heart valves, openings or partitions between the chambers of the heart or vessels departing from it, violating intracardiac and systemic hemodynamics, predisposing to the development of circulatory insufficiency. Heart defects can be congenital and acquired.

Keywords: heart defects, insufficiency, stenosis, congenital defects and acquired defects