20.03.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 2 Issue 3

Aruzhan Kazikhanovna Jussibaliyeva, Dariya Berikovna Iskakova, Damira Maksutovna Iskakova, Aigul Aitzhanovna Kurmanalina, Kenzhegul Kalmuratovna Khassenova, Indira Kulatayevna Amerkhanova

Abstract. In view of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration processes, especially in developing nations, it is crucial for government officials to balance intrastate migration surges to avoid social discontent and stabilize an already crippled economy. This article tested the hypothesis about the impact of internal migration on the income of the population in different sectors of the economy. The connection between globalization processes and internal migration of developing countries was confirmed on the example of Kazakhstan using the methods and tools of economic, statistical, and financial analysis. It was revealed that transnational corporations owning assets in the developing nations’ basic and raw-material sectors of the economy could create the co-called “migration centers” within the country, which attract the residents of less developed regions and cities to get higher incomes. These “centers” are often represented by capitals, financial hubs, the entire industrial regions, or individual cities. The conducted study revealed that people living or working in such migration centers have higher incomes and, in general, the level of such regions’ well-being is better. The examination outcomes allowed substantiating that a developing country (for example, Kazakhstan) should improve the information and analytical mechanism for global and national data exchange, collection, and analysis to be able to manage migration flows. In summary, the paper introduces a model of such a mechanism and recommends creating a separate national analytical agency dealing with migration issues.

Keywords: developing countries; income; information and analytical mechanism for migration control; internal migration; Kazakhstan; transnational corporations; welfare.