19.06.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 3

M. Murodkhonov

Abstract. Organization of Islamic Cooperation - an intergovernmental international organization. It was founded at the 1st Conference of Heads of State and Government of Islamic Countries. It was established and adopted by the 3rd Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Islamic State. At present, the Organization of the Islamic Conference unites a total of 55 countries on the basis of religious commonality, including the newly independent Central Asian states, as well as the Palestine Liberation Organization. According to the OIC Charter, its purpose is to promote Islamic solidarity among its member states, strengthen economic, social, cultural, scientific and other cooperation, end racial discrimination and all forms of colonialism, establish measures for peace and security, and promote the rights of the Palestinian Arab people. and supporting his struggle to rebuild and liberate his lands.

Keywords: organization of Islamic Cooperation, swot analysis, country, international, economy, peace.