25.02.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 2

Usmanova Mokhira Kenjayevna

Abstract. The article describes the simplification of compound words. Examples of the fact that simplification also took place in the structure of the compound words widely used in the current Uzbek language are covered. Changes in the composition of words, mainly such as Sound Exchange, displacement in sounds, sound fall, were the reasons for the absorption of morphemes in the composition of words with each other. It has been shown that other changes, such as the phenomenon of redivision in the composition of a word, also occur as a result of the recorded sound changes.

Keywords: portable meaning, wordshakl, phenomenon of specialization, simplification, identity ratio, verb, core-base, incremental ratio, etymology, sound, place-sharing, homonymic, morpheme composition, form-forming addition, Sound Exchange, absorption, sound fall, comparison, word tar.