25.01.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 2 Issue 1

Jumabayeva Guljahon Jaqsilikovna, Allanazarov Bayrambay Rustemovich, Joldasbayeva Aysulu Baxitbay qizi

Abstract. Open pit mining is usually done through a a series of mining steps, commonly known as pushbacks. Metallized in open pit mining, each push considers the mining of one or more benches at the same time, the main operational tasks include: drilling, blasting, loading and transportation. In large open pits, shovels and front end loaders can be used to perform loading operations. Type and number shovels are selected during the planning process and determine their productivity benches, thrust and mining speed. available space for loading is part of the rollback design. This determines its shape and size benches for placing equipment. It is a relevant stage of mine design a description of the location and sequence that the loading equipment must follow finish benching each push. Placement of loading equipment in a mine is usually called exploitation scheme. This term is commonly used in the mining industry, but no often found in literature. The design of a haul road for an open pit mine can have a significant impact on the associated costs with the transport of ore and waste to the surface. This study proposes a new way to design traffic lanes open pits to support efficient trucking operations.It was also changed by the road scheme reflecting the radius of curvature recommended in road design manuals. Finally, three-dimensional a model representing the results of road design is created by combining road layout changes resulting in the slope of the open pit and the design of the bench. The proposed program the way to the area with the gold mines made it possible to design a freight route for the open-pit mines thus, it supported efficient trucking operations; Also, the time required for the truck traffic along the road could be predicted. The proposed method is expected to be useful assist in the improvement of open pit planning and design and road design functions existing mining software applications. The purpose of this article is to learn in the context of the concept of exploitation scheme in open-pit mining strategic mine planning activities. In the first part, the concept is introduced examples where the thrust size is fixed and the number of spades is changed. The second part includes a discussion of motivations and limitations may be taken into account by the mine planner when designing. Multiple paddle and bench configurations in the same push a challenge to design a scheme mainly due to limited space download In such cases, mathematical and optimization tools can be useful; however, models must be able to represent realistic constraints affect the productivity of shovels at different levels. Aggressive in general and expensive schemes are rarely used by highly ambitious mining companies performance and low operating costs. However, choosing an the appropriate operating scheme should be suitable for the main purpose of mine planning activities, ie: value creation through exploitation mineral resource.

Keywords: open pit mining, design of the freight route, open pit, calculation of the range of dimensions of movement of mining machines, least cost path analysis,truck transport operation, mine design