09.01.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 1

Ubaydullaev Alisher Abdusalomovich

Abstract. The article examines the study of classical literature on the basis of originality, informing students about manuscript sources, preparing them as specialists, publishing classical sources on the basis of manuscripts, preparing the text of excellent scientific commentaries, as well asthe fact that conducting new scientific and theoretical research in the field of source studies and textual studies is one of the most pressing issues today, it examines the work of Abdullah Avloni “Turkish Gulistan or Morality”, which promotes the style of confrontation, high spiritual values, children’s nature, love for the motherland, honesty and other human qualities, as a program to raise the spirituality of today’s young generation as well as issues such as the need to combine education and upbringing.

Keywords: classic, manuscript source, lithographic source, counter style, source studies, textual studies, Nasta’liq script, scientific commentaries, mufradot, murakkabot, transcription, conversion, transliteration, textological character