15.12.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 1 Issue 8

Тоқсанбаева Айжамал Манғытбай қызы

Abstract. The article discusses international legal norms of a mandatory and recommendatory nature, setting standards regarding the selection and appointment of judges. Based on the study of international legal acts (universal and regional), the article reveals the main content of the provisions governing the principles, procedures and procedures for the selection and appointment of judges. The author pays special attention to the 2010 OSCE / ODIHR Kiev Recommendations due to their purpose for the countries of Central Asia, including the Kyrgyz Republic. The article concludes that the selection and appointment of judges is one of the main conditions for the independence of judges and the judicial system as a whole, a high-quality staff of selection bodies and transparency of procedures guarantee the selection of the most worthy candidates for judicial positions and at the same time helps to form a judicial system free of pressure and influence of officials persons and political forces, which in turn guarantees each participant in the proceedings the right to an independent, impartial and fair court. It is noted that in most international documents, special emphasis is placed on the prohibition and restrictions on the participation of representatives of the executive branch in the selection and appointment of judges.

Keywords: court, judge, international standards, international treaties, selection of judges, independence of judges, right to a fair, independent and impartial court, guarantees, qualification commission