15.12.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 8


Abstract. The article examines the role of the family in Islam as the main aspects of the family, the importance of the family in society, the opinions of Eastern thinkers about the family, the responsibilities of men and women in the family, family differences. A person is born weak. In this case, a person will need strength, help, intelligence, intelligence. And it turns out through years of upbringing. The family is the very first environment in which a person forms nobility in himself. In order for our happiness in the family to be perfect, we will need the goodwill and support of the people around us. And to the extent that the people around us are ready for the fact that we will sweat on the way to their happiness, they should also love and respect us, help us in our plans. When people can feel that it is a spiritual duty and a spiritual duty to maintain this necessary connection, an opportunity is created to reduce family differences. Family disagreements have become an urgent problem today, a painful moment in our society. In our country, serious attention is paid to the preservation of families, surviving orphans, mothers.Despite the efforts of local activists, religious clergy, organizations engaged in the promotion of spirituality and education, as well as the general public, unfortunately, the number of family divisions is not decreasing. This is where the question arises: so why are there discord, conflict situations in the family? When studying the consequences, it becomes obvious that the reason for the separation of families is material insufficiency, the intervention of a third person, infertility, betrayal of the honor of their couple, prolonged absence of living together, mutual misunderstanding of each other. Admittedly, the breakdown of families is caused not only by the deterioration of relations between relatives, but also, unfortunately, by one bitter phrase uttered over anger.In addition, divorce cases also arise due to disagreements in families, lack of mutual love, inconsistency of character, illness of the husband or wife, sadness, addiction of some guys to alcohol, drugs or life with other women. Therefore, the types and causes of conflicts were investigated from a pedagogical and psychological point of view.

Keywords: person, society, family, strength, intelligence, man, woman, upbringing, separation, happiness, kindness, conflict, love.