03.12.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 1 Issue 8


Abstract. There is a negative attitude towards older people from society. Society lives an active life, which is full of action, and therefore it is focused on youth. For this reason, older people are on the lowest rung of social significance. For many centuries, medical scientists have been trying to solve two of the most important problems of mankind - how to slow down the aging process and what needs to be done to prolong human life. Of particular importance in solving these problems was manifested in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, when the number of so-called diseases of civilization increased sharply: atherosclerosis, obesity, oncological diseases and many other pathological conditions that significantly affect the quality and life expectancy of people.

Keywords: elderly, duration, life, anti-aging, gerontology, prevention.