29.11.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 8


Abstract. The relevance of this article is related to the ongoing demand for translators of historical texts. Since the dawn of writing, there has been a demand for translations of various chronicles, scrolls and manifestos. A similar situation persists to this day, only now the popular history genre is gaining more and more popularity. A historian, like a writer, can recreate events and the face of the past, although this scientific recreation differs from the artistic one. Based on historical data, the writer at the same time always takes the path of creative fiction, without which art is impossible, and the historian depicts only what was, historically based facts. An informative historical text does not tolerate fiction, yet it is an excellent source for gaining knowledge and learning about history.

Keywords: adherents, extensive trade, forenization, mythological and biblical characters, political relations.