22.11.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 8

L.Toshqulova , M.Bozorova

Abstract. In today's fast-paced era, the process of globalization in any field is one of the important factors of society's life and, in turn, leads to the development of science and technology, high growth of the economy, as well as the deepening of the process of integration in the field of education. The quality of education, the competence of personnel, the task of training competitive qualified specialists as an important factor of the socio-economic development of the country have become important features of the era of globalization. Developed countries consider the role of youth education in the development of society and human development to be important. That is why they pay special attention to the quality of education. At the same time, the concept of quality in the field of education became very popular in our country. Increasing the intellectual potential of the future young generation, forming a broad worldview is important not only for a specific country, but also for the international community. Therefore, with issues such as the quality of education and the assessment of the quality of education, many international organizations have established international standards for the assessment of education in certain applicant countries, such as PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA, TALIS, PIAAC, ICCS, SITES, IALS, ALL. implemented evaluation programs. In particular, the signing of an agreement on the participation of Uzbekistan in the PISA and PIRLS studies will create a basis for the fundamental reform of the educational system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and contribute to the development of the intellectual activity of the young generation, their competence and creativity in education. happy Today, it is very necessary to integrate such assessment programs into the educational process. You can learn more about one of these assessment programs, PIRLS, as you read the article below.

Keywords: PIRLS international evaluation program, its organization process, evaluation criteria, requirements, rating.