21.11.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 8

A. Gafurov , SH. Korabayev , O. Alimov

Abstract. Among all bast fibers, jute is one of the most significant and versatile fibers of commercial and technical importance. Jute, also a cellulosic fiber, ranks next to cotton in terms of production. Jute is an annual herbaceous plant mainly cultivated in the equatorial, the tropical and the sub-tropical zones. Jute plays a vital socio-economic role in producing countries. About 12 million farming families, mainly in South East Asia, are dependent on this crop. Out of over 30 important species belonging to the genus Corchorus, only two – C. capsularis commonly known as ‘White jute’ and C. olitorius known as ‘Tossa jute’ – are utilized for fiber production on a commercial scale. This chapter discusses almost the whole gamut of jute starting from its origin, history, agro-climatic condition and production area, economic importance, botanical description, different stages of cultivation, fiber extraction, fiber quality and grading, fiber morphology, structure, chemical composition, properties, products, traditional/unconventional uses, etc. In addition, the chapter briefly describes the environmental advantages and the socioeconomic impacts of jute along with its future potential.

Keywords: jute, cellulosic fiber, morphology, structure, genus Corchorus, C. capsularis, C. olitorius environmental advantages, socio-economic impact.