12.11.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 7

O. Muminov

Abstract. At the moment, there are no clearly defined principles of cavitation types. We use an agreed-upon, widely used term in our literature. First of all, cavitation is divided into separate sections according to the reasons for its occurrence. Proceeding from this, cavitation can be divided into hydrodynamic and acoustic types. Movement of liquids and acoustics (impact of sounds) occupy a very important place in the adoption of engineering solutions. In the first case, the pressure drop passes through the critical point, changing the direction and shape of motion relative to the velocity vector. In the second case, the formation of cavitation is caused by the oscillating effects on the liquid, which can be imagined by an example of the work of hydroacoustic stations. The appearance and development of porosity in the liquid can be carried out by directing (blowing) gas to it.Therefore, natural cavitation and Artificial, a solid body that is formed under external influence, that is, interacting with a liquid; as well as artificial, cavitations that occur under the influence of gas, which are forcibly directed to certain points of the flow, are known.

Keywords: Vibration, resonance, transverse waves, disturbance waves, cavitation zone, initial section of pipe rotation, velocity axis, radius of curvature during rotation.