06.11.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 7


Abstract. The work deals with the development of cognitive interest in the subject, in computer technology; skills of independent work to acquire new knowledge, thinking; memory; attention. Increasing interest in the subject, encouraging independent work during extracurricular activities, in identifying and developing individual abilities, inclinations and interests of students through their inclusion in the appropriate extracurricular activities. In this regard, it is of considerable interest to develop a methodological system for organizing extracurricular activities in informatics. The relevance of this program meets the new requirements of education in the field of informatics and computerization, the content of extracurricular work meets the requirements for knowledge and skills, specified professional and general competencies. This course provides new opportunities for the creative development of the student, his self-determination and self-realization; conditions for the formation of the information culture of students, which can increase the effectiveness of learning, determine innovative approaches to forms of interaction in the process of extracurricular work.

Keywords: extracurricular activity, extracurricular activity, informatics teaching methodology