05.11.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 1 Issue 7


Abstract. Pneumonia or zotiljam is an inflammation of the lungs, which belongs to the category of acute infectious diseases. Pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. There are also types such as aspiration pneumonia and paracancer pneumonia, which develops around the center of a cancerous tumor in the lung tissue. As soon as the first symptoms of pneumonia appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The inflammatory process of the lungs is a serious disease that can have a negative impact on health. Before the discovery of antibiotics, pneumonia had an 80% mortality rate. Currently, the death rate due to the development of pneumonia in different regions reaches 5-40%, mainly severe complications occur in the elderly. If pneumonia is detected in time and the necessary treatment measures are applied, the disease will be cured in 10-14 days and will not leave any complications. Modern drugs help prevent serious complications and treat almost any form of pneumonia without complications. At the same time, remember that for effective treatment and successful prevention of complications, the treatment of this disease must be carried out by a specialist.

Keywords: Pneumonia, signs and symptoms of pneumonia in adults and children, classification of pneumonia