29.10.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 7

E. Umurzakov , Z. Sativaldiev , M. Sattarov

Abstract. In this paper, the physicochemical regularities of the process of boiling a mixed fabric based on cotton and nitron were studied, depending on the temperature, time and concentration parameters of the cooking solution. The pattern of changes in capillarity and physical and mechanical properties of the tissue from the composition of the cooking solution is revealed. The influence of the nature of the oxidizing agent in conjunction with other components of the bleaching solution on the whiteness of the mixed fabric has been established. It is shown that the dominant bleaching parameter is the pH of the medium. Recommended mode in a narrow range of pH=10-11 for bleaching in the presence of alkaline reagents and pH=2-2.5 in the presence of acidic components.

Keywords: blended fabric, synthetic threads, dimensional stability, shrinkage, physical and chemical processes, capillarity, diffusion, sorption.