14.10.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 6

SH. Abduaxatov

Abstract. We all know that one of the most urgent problems of our time is the problem of war and peace, militarization and demilitarization of the economy. The long-term military-political conflict based on economic, ideological and political reasons is closely related to the structure of international relations. This has led to the accumulation of a large amount of ammunition, and is consuming large material, financial, technological and intellectual resources. The arms race is costing humanity. The military conflicts that took place from 1945 to the end of the 80s further strengthened globalism. Our century has become the century of the loss of 10 million people, which is really a huge loss. Today, the total cost of military needs in the world exceeds 1 trillion US dollars. This is approximately 6-7% of the world GDP. For example, in the United States, they make up 8%, in the former USSR - 18% of the gross domestic product and up to 60% of machine-building products.

Keywords: global problems, national economy, development approaches.