07.10.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 1 Issue 6

M.Abdurahimova , D.Mamadaliyeva , G.Siddiqova

Abstract. In recent years, great importance has been attached to the study of biodiversity in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In nature, the types of plants change from year to year, the same species disappear, new species appear in their place. Medicinal plants - for treating people and animals, preventing diseases, as well as food, are plants-herbs used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry. It has been determined that there are 10-12 thousand species of medicinal plants on earth. The chemical, pharmacological and medicinal properties of more than 1000 plant species have been investigated. There are more than 700 species of medicinal plants in Uzbekistan. Of these, about 120 species of plants grown in natural conditions and cultivated are used in scientific and folk medicine. Currently, about 40-47% of medicines used in medicine are obtained from raw plant materials.

Keywords: plant, herb, flower, leaf, fruit, seed, medicine, drug.