03.10.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 1 Issue 6

B. Nazarimbetov

Abstract. . For the first time in 1926, the troupe of the national theater "Tan Nur" performed in Karakalpakstan. The troupe, which consisted of thirteen (13) people in the early years, began to grow rapidly. B. Nazarymbetov] People's Artist of Uzbekistan Nazhimaddin Ansatbaev called Sapargul Auezov an actress who created a school for herself in the work of the Karakalpak theater.The person revered by the country S. Auezova in her performances at the theater department serves as a source of inspiration for the future, and in some cases the experience of her own career, which she left for theatrical art, will serve the school. We, teachers of the department of directing and acting skills of the Nukus branch of the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture, will educate future youth, imitating the fruitful efforts of such teachers.

Keywords: theatre, actor, mise-en-scene, art, play, drama, talent, image, character.