30.09.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 1 Issue 6

Sh.Toshtemirova, D.Irgashev

Abstract. Cotton is damaged by all kinds of insects from the time of emergence of weeds to the time of production.Sucking insects. Spider mite. This pest is common in all growing districts. One spider mite lays 100-160 eggs and lives for 30-40 days. Aphids overwinter in plant debris and soil. With the arrival of spring, it first moves to weeds and alfalfa, and then to cotton. Aphids live in swarms on the back side of the cotton leaf, at the point of growth. Alfalfa kandala. Mainly, with its oral apparatus, it damages cotton bolls by pricking and sucking them.

Keywords: agrotechnical, quarantine, biological, adult, egg, larva, nymph, infected cotton leaf.