13.09.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 5


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of vocabulary (lexicology), which constitute the main field of linguistics. In particular, the most important source on the vocabulary of the Arabic language is “Furuk al-Lugawiya”, its author is Abu Hilol al-Askari and his work has been partially scientifically researched. Revealing the relevance and essence of his research, the author touched upon practical work on large-scale reforms in the development of science in the New Uzbekistan, including the further development of Oriental studies. The main scientific argument was Abu Hilal al-Askari, who tried to prove scientifically that the valuable information presented in the work "Furuk al-Lugawiya" has not yet lost its significance in the development of the study of the Arabic language. The author of the article noted that the work "Furuk al-Lugawiya" serves as an important source on vocabulary not only when studying Arabic, but also when studying the meaning of words borrowed from Arabic into Uzbek and other languages.

Keywords: Oriental studies, Science, functional and methodological, linguistics, Arabic studies, Abu Hilal, "Farouk al-Lugawiya".