28.08.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 5

K. Navruzov , SH. Sharipova , N. Abdikarimov

Abstract. The paper deals with the problem of pulsating flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a permeable-walled flat channel. In this case, the length of the flat channel is considered to be large enough. That is, the ratio of channel width to channel length is small enough, the ratio of transverse velocity to longitudinal velocity, and the Reynolds number are also sufficiently small that the Nave-Stokes equation dashed and the necessary boundary conditions are formed. As a result of solving the problem, appropriate formulas were obtained and analyzes were performed. Based on the results of the analysis, it is shown that the pulse wave propagation velocity at sufficiently small values of the oscillation frequency parameter is determined by the formula - formula, and this formula is accepted as the base pulse wave propagation velocity. It was shown that the pulse wave propagation velocity did not differ significantly from the base pulse wave propagation velocity at small values of the oscillation frequency parameter, and that the pulse wave propagation velocity at its large values differed significantly from its base velocity. In addition, the attenuation of the pulse wave depending on the oscillation frequency parameter was analyzed, it was found that at low values of the oscillation frequency parameter the attenuation of the wave is almost non-existent, and at its large values the attenuation rate increases significantly.

Keywords: kinematic viscosity coefficient, Nave-Stokes equation, pressure, Poiseuille stream, boundary condition, conductivity coefficient, vibration frequency.