11.08.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 4

D. Raximov, Sh. Asanboev , N. Kenjaev, Z. Ataboev , K. Shomaqsudova , N. Fayzullaeva

Abstract. Latin name for sesame seeds and oil (Sesamum indicum Linnaeus). Sesame is one of the main oilseeds grown in Uzbekistan since ancient times. The purpose of this scientific study is to achieve maximum grinding by mixing wheat and rice straw with sesame seeds, cold pressing sesame oil in a pressing equipment with a fermenting dry substrate powder and pressing whole sesame oil from a mixture of seeds and oilcake. Sesame oil is one of the oils with its own benefits, and we are seeing it enter the ranks of very important valuable oils mainly in the field of cosmetics and perfumery.

Keywords: sesame, cold pressed, dry substrate for fermentation, perfumery, cosmetics.