10.08.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 1 Issue 4

S. Negmatova , M. Nurullaeva

Abstract. Abstract. The article reveals the importance of crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.), a non-traditional grain legume crop cultivated in the degraded meadow-alluvial soils of the northern region of the Republic of Khorezm in short-rotation systems, and the influence of elements of cultivation technology, terms and norms of sowing on the yield and economic efficiency of crotalaria grain and hay is illuminated. At planting and care of crotalaria in optimal terms (20-25.04) and according to the standard (14 c/ha) received a yield of 18.0 kg of grain per 1 ha, compared with other options additional yield of 2.4-5.9 kg / ha and received a net profit of 11210650.0 sum / ha, and the rate of profitability was 121.2%; in the third decade of April at seeding 18 kg of fertile seeds per hectare there was received 173,9 c/ha, the additional yield is 5,9-34,9 c/ha in comparison with other variants, the net profit was 9929150,0 soums. per hectare, and profitability level of 98.6% is scientifically proved.

Keywords: Keywords: Crotalaria juncea L., pasture alluvial soil, sowing dates, rates, hay yield, grain yield, economic efficiency.