10.08.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 4


Abstract. Yesenin lived only thirty years, but the mark he left in poetry is indelible. The Russian land is rich in talents. Yesenin was born in Konstantinov, where he spent his childhood, and then the years of his youth, here he wrote his first poems. Sergei Yesenin rose to the heights of poetry from the depths of folk life. The world of folk poetic images surrounded him from childhood. Over the years, all the beauty of the native land has been depicted in poems full of love for the Russian land: O Russia - a raspberry field, And the blue that has fallen into the river, I love Your lake anguish to joy and pain

Keywords: poetry, lyrical hero, Black man, cylinder, Yesenin's requiem., Isadora Duncan, "snow-white feather", confession of a poet.