03.12.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 1 Issue 8

M.Haydarov, B.Mamanazarov, D.Xamroqulov, D.Nasriddinova

Abstract. V state opisyvayutsya latentnyy period, virginalnye periody, trava, juvenile phase, immature phase, growing virginilnaya and generative phase of the plant Valeriana Officinalis L. Izuchenie stadiy razvitiya rastenii, t. e. seed germination, glubiny posadki, trebovaniy k temperature i vlajnosti, slujit osnovoy dlya opredeleniya agroteknicheskih meropriyati vozdelyvaniya. When growing medicinal valerian, it is important to prepare high-quality stages for increasing the resistance of the plant to the soil and air environment, as well as to diseases.

Keywords: latent period, Virginal period, lawn, Juvenile stage, Immature stage, Growing virginal stage, Generative period.